iib West Africa partnered in United Nations Global Compact SDG Ambition 2023/24 program

iib West Africa partnered in United Nations Global Compact SDG Ambition 2023/24 program

16 December, 2023

The United Nations Global Compact SDG Ambition 2023/24 program has already kicked off, with a fantastic group of companies that over the next few months will set ambitious business goals and accelerate the integration of the 17 #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (SDGs) into their management and strategy.

SDG Ambition is an 8-step program that begins with a maturity analysis and identification of priority #impact areas and progresses through the definition of ambitious objectives, implementation paths and actions, metrics and innovative opportunities for the technological and business integration of #ODS, ending with a complete and time-bound Action Plan.

The United Nations Global Compact Network Portugal welcomes this year’s companies and Participants, who over the next 6 months will work to bring their organizations.:

  • Greater alignment with the #ODS and a #sustainability strategy aligned with the company’s practices and priorities
  • Improved performance, through the identification of new opportunities, better risk management and alignment with the market
  • More innovation
  • Greater resilience
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