Easily manage your everyday finances wherever you are. iib current account makes it simple to check your balance, pay your bills and send money to friends and family. You can open an individual or a joint account.

Who can apply?

18 years or older

Residents or non-residents of CV

Maintain a minimum balance of CVE 5,000

Open an account with just a few clicks

Its quick and easy and you can do it right now!

Conditions of Access

Legal age or emancipated individuals, residents and non-residents in Cabo Verde


Minimum opening amount is CVE 50,000 or the equivalent in a foreign currency


No fixed term, thus demandable at all times

Management Fee

Kindly consult iib pricing at any of our branches



Operation Means

Debit Card, Credit Card, Cheques, Wire transfers
Any other means that may be made available to clients by iib

Authorised overdraft up to 100% of wage

Possibility of having an authorised overdraft equal to 100% of your wage if domiciled or through commercial approval

iib boost term deposit

With iib boost term deposit, you can earn an increasing rate of interest in just 1 year. Enjoy a secure and regular income to help meet your expenses.

iib junior account

Start building good money habits from a young age. Open an account for your child and teach them how to save.

Call us for any queries

+238 260 2626